Sunday, May 18, 2014

Life Happens

Yesterday the senior class of my high school graduated. The day was full of smiles, tears, hugs, and memories. For me, it was emotional saying "see ya later" to all my senior friends. It's hard to let go and say goodbye, but life happens. As soon as those graduation caps flew into the air, I officially became a senior in high school. Senior. Last year. Big dogs. Here comes the senioritous.... NOT. I have 364 days to grow up, figure out my next four years, apply for colleges, increase my SAT and ACT scores by 100s and 8 points. That isn't easy to do. I still have 2 1/2 days of school left to pass my final exams and get ready for a summer of a lifetime; the last summer before senior year. I'll be spending my time working at my internship in Jacksonville, living without my parents, and figuring life out. Life happens. It's scary and exciting to think about my time away from little ole Habersham County. I can only hope and pray this summer teaches me that life isn't so bad. Yes, I do understand that life has it's downsides, but I can only thank God for another beautiful day of this life. Life happens. In 12 days I will be 17 years old. Whoopee. I can finally see R-Rated movies without a parent hahah! I have a single year to figure out life and enjoy it. I have a year to create a life I love, but I have a year for God to lead, guide, and direct me to the place I belong! Jeremiah 29:11 allows me to sit back and relax because the big man in the sky, well, he knows what he's doing. 

Life Happens. It's time for me to hop on the saddle, grab life by the reigns, and enjoy the ride! 

Marcia Louise Hall 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Let me share some class

No matter what you do, you belong to God. It's that simple! 

Christians today have this mindset that when sin takes over a numberous amount of times, they feel lost and alone. That's where we as Christians are wrong. You sin? Talk to God. You hurt? Gods right beside you holding you. You cry? Let god be the shoulder you need. You feel worried? Breathe. Let God take control. Now, I know it's easier said than done, but that's what being a Christian is all about. You mess up! With the forgiveness of God you are freed from all sin because the only Jesus, Savior, Son of GOD, died for you. That's not luck, that's loyalty. What's important to you? That's a question my Preacher asked in Sunday's lesson. The reading came from Matthew 22. In the passage, the commandments were written: Love The Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your kind. That is the greatest commandment. The second was, "love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus is our neighbor. He loved us enough to give his life. When you think about what Jesus did, understand the value in other people! Don't discriminate, don't tolerate, just associate! Love one another. Love yourself! To love others, you must first find time to love yourself. Through God, loving yourself can be the easiest and hardest thing to do! Don't get so caught up in your worldy body, because when you die and go to heaven, all worldly figured will be gone. You will have a beautiful soul... And that soul will shine brighter and farther than any other! So this week, if you feel down, sad, or alone, just remember what is important to you. Love. 


Friday, February 14, 2014

I'm done...

Being nice is the easiest and the hardest thing I do. I am a giving person. I try to make others happy before myself most always, but recently I feel the need to stop being so nice. I am a friendly girl with a pretty good head on my shoulders. I just get really tired of doing and doing and giving and trying for people who claim to care about me, but in reality just kind of use me up. Today I say I'm done; I'm finished; finé; final. I deserve better friends and a lot more respect than what people show me. I listen to everyone's problems but no one seems to find the time to listen to mine. I hold it all in and then I blow up on the people who love me most, my family. If you're reading this, please remember to be loving and honest with people. If you complain a lot to your friend, be sure to remind yourself that your friend needs you, YOU, to listen to them as well. Know where to draw the line. I'm drawing mine... 


Happy V********* Day 



Thursday, February 6, 2014


You really have made me realize how thankful I am! You have let me just walk into your life and make you smile and laugh everyday, and that's something I will always be thankful for. I'm thankful to finally have the opportunity to talk to you every day. I've known you for so many years. I know I don't see you much, but I'm excited to have a face to face relationship with you! God has timing right when it's the best time. For now. I will keep praying for you and for your precious mamma. I'll be here for you to talk to or just be someone to look at. I wish I could make our friendship our relationship longer, but God knows what he's doing. You're wonderful young man. You truly are. No wrong in your rights... You've always been approved.... And that's something I should have taken more seriously. Thank you for what you do. You are so strong inside and out. Gods plans may not be your plans but I'll always be here for you no matter the situation. You are the best kind of special I've ever met. You are my kind of special. No one can  break the friendship we have. You are the real dills. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Everyone else

Everyone else seems so happy. I mean I'm happy, but it just gets old having people ask you the same questions and you give the same answers because you have the same predictable life. No I do not have a boyfriend. No I do not know where I want to go to school. No I am not for sure what I want to major in. No I don't think I'll be getting married next. No I don't need a boyfriend right now. No I don't .... No I don't... 

Seems pretty negative right? Well it does affect me saying no to the same question because it seems like nothing has changed for me. Nothing drastic enough to change my life in some way. I know I'll be saying yes to people instead of no. It all will just continue to take time. I'll continue to say no until No's turn into sweet blissful Yes's. 

For I know the plans I have for you... - God 
Jer. 29:11 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why not?

Why can't someone see me the way they see other girls. I swear I feel like it's only me. All my friends are seen differently. I'm always just another good pal or buddy. I get so fed up with being another guys buddy. I love having guy friends, don't get me wrong, but I don't like being so different all the time. I mean can you not just notice me? Am I that unique? Is it
My body? Is it my weight? My hair? My face? My height? My small hands? My eye color? Is it my personality? My characteristics? What is it about me that turns guys into instant friend zone material? Do I not wear enough makeup? Do I wear too much? Do I dress pretty enough? Do I make you stop and stare? I mean come on! It's just the amount of fairness in this situation is low. I don't know what to do but to be myself! Why should I have to think about changing when someone could just notice me and smile at me? Being unique is hard... But I wouldn't want to be anyone else. I know someone is out there looking... But I don't know who. I jump to conclusions and I assume people look at me in the way I want and I find out that's all false. Everyone finds their someone and I am left alone. Why? Why can't you pick the right jewel out of the jewel box! It's not that hard! Just find the shining star... That's me. I've been waiting... I'll keep waiting. 

- thanks to Ryan for being such a good friend. Your girlfriend is blessed my friend. I'm thankful you aren't worried about having a best
Friend that's female and a girlfriend too. Keep kickin' dragon boy. 


Sunday, December 1, 2013


God works in mysterious ways. I sinned and then today the sermon was spot on. I sang for Jesus I spoke for Jesus and I listened to the words of my pastor and heard god talking to me through him. It's exactly what I needed. Short sweet and to the point. Why have I spent so much time worrying about my future and relationships when god has it under control. I have had someone grow so strong with my help and I could only help because of god. This person treats me better than anyone has. He has been by my side through almost everything for five years almost. He may not fit the standards of my family, but he is a gentleman. He has changed for the better. Practice what you preach is something I know I need to work on. Don't talk the talk just walk the walk. I need to be the examples I set for others. I need to stop pushing people away when they are the ones who love me and care about me the most. I need to stop seeing the good in everyone because not everyone has good. I need to think less and pray more. I need to just do! I need to stop staying up so late and stop trying to find someone to talk to when I'm lonely. My time will come when it comes. For now, I just need to be happy with what I have and thankful for an all loving and all forgiving God who put me here in the first place. His guidance is what I need and his love I crave. I know I'm not supposed to be a Luke warm Christian. I'm also subtle about my faith. I share my thoughts only here because I know others out there who may read this can possibly relate. You have a purpose. Someone out there that is your soul mate, he/she will come when The Lord says it's time. That person feels the way you do. They can picture you in their head and how wonderful you will be with them. Just you wait my dears. I no longer have to react to the devil. My reaction will be no more and I will turn to my friends, family, and of course my bible and God. I may be a sinner but I try to change my ways always. It's a struggle but stop fighting the crowd and let the crowd move you. 

This picture isn't mine but I added a saying that is close to my heart. Maybe it will mean something to you too. Much love your way! Happy December! 
