Friday, February 14, 2014

I'm done...

Being nice is the easiest and the hardest thing I do. I am a giving person. I try to make others happy before myself most always, but recently I feel the need to stop being so nice. I am a friendly girl with a pretty good head on my shoulders. I just get really tired of doing and doing and giving and trying for people who claim to care about me, but in reality just kind of use me up. Today I say I'm done; I'm finished; finé; final. I deserve better friends and a lot more respect than what people show me. I listen to everyone's problems but no one seems to find the time to listen to mine. I hold it all in and then I blow up on the people who love me most, my family. If you're reading this, please remember to be loving and honest with people. If you complain a lot to your friend, be sure to remind yourself that your friend needs you, YOU, to listen to them as well. Know where to draw the line. I'm drawing mine... 


Happy V********* Day 

