Sunday, March 24, 2013


So today was lazy. Do you ever have those days when you just know you need to do things but your body needs to rest? That's basically my day. I was in bed until 1 this afternoon. I did some laundry and ate a late lunch. I continued to eat a snack of carrots and strawberries here and there! Then I would lay in bed again. I watched YouTube and just let my mind relax and laugh and breathe today. I did homework last minute and now I'm just enjoying the low lighting of my office. I made some hot tea and I decided it was a perfect time to write what's on my mind and how my day went. My day was filled with rain and sweet dewy mist coming through my window screen. It was filled with music. All kinds of music calming me to where I couldn't stand it. Filled with laughter and smiling faces; my day was one I needed. My day has almost ended, for it is night time and my tea is becoming cooler by the minute. I hope your day was peaceful. Have sweet dreams if you're reading this! Remember please that you're loved. <3

Marcia Louise
