Monday, February 25, 2013

Chosen, Love, Trust...

You chose blue lips... You chose pale face. You chose rose colored cheeks and skin of satin until you reach the hands. You chose soft eyes; eyes that hold a smokey hazel green and flecks of chestnut brown. You chose small; small petite pear shaped figure that sometimes only a mother could love. You chose rough arms and scratched up knees. You chose gentle fingertips that graize through your delicate mind. You chose sweet toes and cracking heels. These heels took me to who you are. Thing is, I can't quite understand why? Why someone like that could CHOOSE someone like this. Why have you chosen so quickly? You chose wisely because of this heart. This old soul I hold; these bold feelings I contain, all are shining into you. God does some magical things... So far he has created me and billions of others. I, being unique, have put myself out in the world searching for comfort, care, and love. Age... We all base love on "age" but does it really matter? You can LOVE God. You can LOVE your parents. You can LOVE your friends. You can LOVE someone you barely even know. You can LOVE someone you care for; someone you think of or dream of, you can LOVE. What I'm trying to say is LOVE comes in many forms. Mine is in so many it's hard to keep up with. When you think to yourself who you love think of who LOVES YOU! Also, think of why they chose you? God chose me. I wonder what else will choose me? Maybe a college? Maybe a major? Maybe a song to sing? Maybe a boy.... Maybe. Whatever and whoever it is, I trust and I choose and I Love. 

So, questions of today. Who do you choose? Who do you love? Who do you trust! Who chooses you?

-Marcia H. 