Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Just Enough? Thinking? Try it...

 When you sit at home for a while, you have a lot of time to think. It gives you time to think too much. Too much of something can be a bad thing unless its the right kind and it ends up being just enough. Just Enough... those two words are two words I can't stand, yet I basically do daily. I should really take my own advice, but people who give advice usually never take their own... ha that wouldn't be right! In this case I give you just enough to know why you shouldn't be JUST ENOUGH. It's like me trying to tell you to not be... well... me! What I mean by that is I rush through things and don't ever really challenge myself to certain subjects in life. I have gotten out of my little "bubble" and my comfort zone is totally zoned out! It's bonkers... (haha bonkers). I want to tell you to think tonight when you sit down and the commercials are on t.v. Mute those pesky things and think even for a second, about yourself, where you are in life, where you are going in life, where you want to go in life, and what you could see yourself doing. I want you to think about if you are doing good enough, if you are trying your hardest at whatever it is you do, if you are trying your BEST in that area, and if you can try even just a little harder. I want you to think tonight; I don't care where it is you do this "thinking", but please take the time for YOURSELF and think. Are you JUST ENOUGH? Are you NOT enough? Are you MORE than enough? Whatever YOU are... just TRY please. Trying may not always get you somewhere but it sure does get you a whole lot closer than NOT trying at all. Don't be "just enough"; don't be like I can be. Be ALL that YOU can and TRY your HARDEST in WHATEVER it is you DO because let me tell you something, you.... are.... awesome. Just try! Just think! Don't be just enough. Be more than enough!