Monday, February 24, 2014

Let me share some class

No matter what you do, you belong to God. It's that simple! 

Christians today have this mindset that when sin takes over a numberous amount of times, they feel lost and alone. That's where we as Christians are wrong. You sin? Talk to God. You hurt? Gods right beside you holding you. You cry? Let god be the shoulder you need. You feel worried? Breathe. Let God take control. Now, I know it's easier said than done, but that's what being a Christian is all about. You mess up! With the forgiveness of God you are freed from all sin because the only Jesus, Savior, Son of GOD, died for you. That's not luck, that's loyalty. What's important to you? That's a question my Preacher asked in Sunday's lesson. The reading came from Matthew 22. In the passage, the commandments were written: Love The Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your kind. That is the greatest commandment. The second was, "love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus is our neighbor. He loved us enough to give his life. When you think about what Jesus did, understand the value in other people! Don't discriminate, don't tolerate, just associate! Love one another. Love yourself! To love others, you must first find time to love yourself. Through God, loving yourself can be the easiest and hardest thing to do! Don't get so caught up in your worldy body, because when you die and go to heaven, all worldly figured will be gone. You will have a beautiful soul... And that soul will shine brighter and farther than any other! So this week, if you feel down, sad, or alone, just remember what is important to you. Love. 
