Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Today was weird. Today I felt something I haven't in a while... Relief and heartache. Relief because some things are off my chest. Heartache because reality has kicked in and all the things I thought I once had, I am losing slowly. I also gained a sense of calmness. God has put his hand on my heart to calm me and tell me it's ok. Tonight I drink my hot tea and cry. I get out all these feelings I've kept inside. Tonight I think and I dream. Tomorrow I push through and I keep going with my head high. Life has happened today. Life has showed me so much in a number of hours and all I can do is be blessed and overwhelmed. My best friend always tells me that everything in life is either a lesson or a blessing. I have had my share of both today. I'm blessed for many things. I've learned a lesson... I have to keep going and realize life is going to push me down. I have to be the one to stand back up and try again. I do. So here's for today... Life happened and it surely was a lesson and truly a blessing.