Saturday, January 25, 2014

Everyone else

Everyone else seems so happy. I mean I'm happy, but it just gets old having people ask you the same questions and you give the same answers because you have the same predictable life. No I do not have a boyfriend. No I do not know where I want to go to school. No I am not for sure what I want to major in. No I don't think I'll be getting married next. No I don't need a boyfriend right now. No I don't .... No I don't... 

Seems pretty negative right? Well it does affect me saying no to the same question because it seems like nothing has changed for me. Nothing drastic enough to change my life in some way. I know I'll be saying yes to people instead of no. It all will just continue to take time. I'll continue to say no until No's turn into sweet blissful Yes's. 

For I know the plans I have for you... - God 
Jer. 29:11 

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