Sunday, May 18, 2014

Life Happens

Yesterday the senior class of my high school graduated. The day was full of smiles, tears, hugs, and memories. For me, it was emotional saying "see ya later" to all my senior friends. It's hard to let go and say goodbye, but life happens. As soon as those graduation caps flew into the air, I officially became a senior in high school. Senior. Last year. Big dogs. Here comes the senioritous.... NOT. I have 364 days to grow up, figure out my next four years, apply for colleges, increase my SAT and ACT scores by 100s and 8 points. That isn't easy to do. I still have 2 1/2 days of school left to pass my final exams and get ready for a summer of a lifetime; the last summer before senior year. I'll be spending my time working at my internship in Jacksonville, living without my parents, and figuring life out. Life happens. It's scary and exciting to think about my time away from little ole Habersham County. I can only hope and pray this summer teaches me that life isn't so bad. Yes, I do understand that life has it's downsides, but I can only thank God for another beautiful day of this life. Life happens. In 12 days I will be 17 years old. Whoopee. I can finally see R-Rated movies without a parent hahah! I have a single year to figure out life and enjoy it. I have a year to create a life I love, but I have a year for God to lead, guide, and direct me to the place I belong! Jeremiah 29:11 allows me to sit back and relax because the big man in the sky, well, he knows what he's doing. 

Life Happens. It's time for me to hop on the saddle, grab life by the reigns, and enjoy the ride! 

Marcia Louise Hall 

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