Sunday, December 1, 2013


God works in mysterious ways. I sinned and then today the sermon was spot on. I sang for Jesus I spoke for Jesus and I listened to the words of my pastor and heard god talking to me through him. It's exactly what I needed. Short sweet and to the point. Why have I spent so much time worrying about my future and relationships when god has it under control. I have had someone grow so strong with my help and I could only help because of god. This person treats me better than anyone has. He has been by my side through almost everything for five years almost. He may not fit the standards of my family, but he is a gentleman. He has changed for the better. Practice what you preach is something I know I need to work on. Don't talk the talk just walk the walk. I need to be the examples I set for others. I need to stop pushing people away when they are the ones who love me and care about me the most. I need to stop seeing the good in everyone because not everyone has good. I need to think less and pray more. I need to just do! I need to stop staying up so late and stop trying to find someone to talk to when I'm lonely. My time will come when it comes. For now, I just need to be happy with what I have and thankful for an all loving and all forgiving God who put me here in the first place. His guidance is what I need and his love I crave. I know I'm not supposed to be a Luke warm Christian. I'm also subtle about my faith. I share my thoughts only here because I know others out there who may read this can possibly relate. You have a purpose. Someone out there that is your soul mate, he/she will come when The Lord says it's time. That person feels the way you do. They can picture you in their head and how wonderful you will be with them. Just you wait my dears. I no longer have to react to the devil. My reaction will be no more and I will turn to my friends, family, and of course my bible and God. I may be a sinner but I try to change my ways always. It's a struggle but stop fighting the crowd and let the crowd move you. 

This picture isn't mine but I added a saying that is close to my heart. Maybe it will mean something to you too. Much love your way! Happy December! 


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