Monday, August 5, 2013

The struggle

It's like I can't even let go. I can't repent because I can't stop. Does the devil has his hold on me? I'm scared because this temptation has the tightest grip on me. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I do it to others I care about? Why is this temptation I hold in my body so hard to get out! It's poison for me... For now. I've been told this temptation I have is normal... And then others have told me to FLEE! I want to do both, but God doesn't do "both". I feel like I'm being tested.... Like he's just throwing the temptation at me or the devil is idk anymore and that's not good at all. I want to repent, but I'm actually scared. 

Is there something in your life that you constantly fight yourself over? My struggle is temptation! Just know that God is there to guide you. As for me and probably many others, I (we) are confused in the moment. We should seek God now More than EVER! 

-I know my posts are religious, but I'd really like some feedback on how I'm doing! If you read my blog then thank you! You don't understand how much it means for someone to read my thoughts and maybe understand them. 

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