Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A little growing up...

A little growing up never hurt anyone. Honestly though, I do it each day. Today though I went through a little rough patch. This patch of roughness caused me to think hard. Haha I don't like to think hard, but yes I did indeed. I had a little talk with someone today. I then proceeded to make this person realize that he/she (not going to say) is very deserving and wonderful. I want to share the same words of encouragement and love with you all who read my blog! Basically I am going to tell you to grow up. I am saying this out of all the goodness from my heart( and trust me there is a lot of goodness I try to share not tooting my own horn, it's how God made me). I'm telling you to understand how to grow up and realize that you deserve love and happiness and friends and family that love you more than you know. I'm telling you that you can finally put down the things that get you away from the real world like drugs and alcohol and razor blades and chemicals that just take you away to what you think is better but is not at all. Doing these things are in no way shape or form beneficial to you or your health. Grow up. Grow up because you can leave your hurt and lonely on the hanger and create this whole new life that you call your own. Change the things you have always longed to change because you have the chance when you grow up. Grow up because opportunities will be smacking you on the face and you'll have to either shut them out or jump right in. Grow up because you need to get it through your thick skull that you're worth something in this world. Grow up because having patience and being unselfish is going to make you a better, stronger, happier, and wiser person. Grow up because you need to. Grow up because you seek to. Grow up because you deserve to. Just remember this please... And if you haven't read it amongst the rest of the words I typed.... Grow up and you're loved.

Marcia Louise

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