Tuesday, March 19, 2013

not much to think about.. yeah right.

Today I have not much to write about...been a few days...maybe a few weeks. Life is busy. Busy, not really a thing, but takes away from all the good sometimes that you really want and need in life. Busy. What is busy? Why are we all so Busy? It's like ingrained in us to constantly be doing something. No time for rest. No time for reading, laughing, singing, dreaming, or sleeping. Sleep... sleep has been lost. Oh well! part of life i guess you could say. less nights spent up too late... talking... thinking. Overthinking. Lost in your thoughts. That is the worst....
You think so much that it leads to other things... whatever that may be. You search through your mind and your day. You find things good or not so good. YOu process them and decide,"Hey I think i wanna be in a certain mood now because I'm just thinking too much and i really just want and need attention". Honestly, we can all say we've done this. It's like every night and it can be good. Idt can also hurt you. Hurtothers. I don't know. Not too sure. This is me over thinking once again.A busy human lost in wonder of the  everyday world. I guess it's just me. no it's probably not. ha... So this is whawt happens when there isn't anything much to WRITE ABOUT. Enjoy your day... or try to!

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